Does Turning Point offer temporary admittance for detox?

Not at this time. Turning Point does not offer temporary admittance for detox. Sporadically a special circumstances warrants admittance. However, the program at Turning Point generally lasts one year or more.

What characteristics make an individual who struggles with substance abuse a good candidate for rehabilitation?

  • Physically healthy individuals who do not require medical care beyond routine health checks.

  • Mentally healthy , not in a psychotic state and can legally make decisions on their own behalf and be able to follow the program.

  • Non-violent meaning not a danger to themselves or others and will not cause property damage.

  • Individuals who have a desire to realize change through sobriety.

Are there any factors that determine whether an individual is a potential candidate for admittance to Turning Point vs treatment/admittance to another institution e.g. SMMC, prison, or the Mental Health Foundation?   

Admittance to Turning Point is not an option if an individual struggling with substance abuse:

  • is a danger to themselves and/or others

  • requires extensive medical care

  • when the issues associated with substance abuse have exasperated the ambit of treatment at Turning Point and require more extensive psychiatric treatment.

  • has no desire to realize change and work toward sobriety

Does Turning Point have a Psychiatrist?

Turning Point has a Psychiatrist on staff at the St. Maarten Medical Center who is on retainer to assist with emergencies in the event that a client is not under the care of another psychiatric professional or entity.

Is Turning Point responsible for obtaining client’s onderstandt, SXM ID, passport, or straighten out their SZV insurance?

No.   Social Services, which is the branch of Government responsible for that kind of assistance along with the S.J.I.S. and are visited by Turning Point staff to engage them on behalf of the clients.  It is NOT Turning Point who determines eligibility or not. 

Clients should already have their SXM ID, Passport and SZV or other health insurance prior to admittance. 

There are dire situations which on occasion have warranted admission while waiting on health insurance and other civil documents but this is NOT the norm and should not be expected.

Can Turning Point legally hold a client beyond their court release date?

Yes.  If a client is not showing signs of progress or has refused to comply with the program, Turning Point can contact the justice chain and request an extension to the program. 


Yes.  If a client does not feel ready to leave the program even after complying with all the counseling, they can of their own volition request an extension.  However, this will be based on the advice of the professionals and the justice chain.

Does Turning Point accept clients who voluntarily wish to submit to the residential program?

When the budget was cut for the treatment of voluntary clients, Turning Point continued to accept clients for an additional five years. However, with the economic realities in 2020, Turning Point ceased to accept voluntary clients.

Good News! Turning Point is in the process of revisiting the possibility of accepting voluntary clients independently. 

Does Turning Point offer aftercare to clients?

Not at this moment.  For a variety of reasons the aftercare program was suspended.  The most jarring reason being COVID-19.  The location is now used to quarantine clients. 

Does Turning Point provide prevention programs to the community?

Turning Point has conducted extensive prevention programs throughout society in the past 24 years, however the funding for this program was tied to the subsidy for voluntary care which is no longer available to Turning Point. 

Our focus in on internal programs which have been expanded in the last year, 2020. However, one or two prevention programs have been conducted so far this year, but again this is not our primary focus at this time.

Who is responsible for personal items and if a client damages property at Turning Point?

When a client comes through the court they are assigned a curator, the curator is responsible for supplying personal items for the client as well as the costs for any damages incurred at Turning Point during the stay of their family member or loved one.