A Rare Opportunity to Share

Individuals on their journey to sobriety are constantly facing their most painful experiences and deepest vulnerabilities, which is what makes the process both extremely difficult and isolating, and makes the desire for escape, feel insurmountable.

Substance use may start out as a recreational activity but addiction usually forms as a response to trauma.

We, at Turning Point are so grateful and elated to join in the celebration of our clients successes but it’s something we celebrate quietly. It is up to our clients and our clinical staff to decide what information is safe to share in order to protect our clients and not deter them from their continued path of sobriety.

The exception to our usual quiet celebrating is Mr. Andrew Dick. A well-known public figure and a staple of St. Maarten’s news and media community.

In this “The News Behind the News” interview with Mr. Ralph Cantave, Mr. Dick opened up about his life, his career, and his rehabilitation at Turning Point. Like many of our former clients, Mr. Dick is showing the strength of his character to face the world head on and continue working toward his personal and career goals while working doubly to live soberly for himself and his loved ones.  

We are so proud and while we are unable to do this for all our clients, to protect their anonymity, we take this rare opportunity by way of Andrew Dick to say how proud we are of all of the successes and ways you overcome challenges everyday.

To Andrew Dick and to and all our clients in St.Maarten/St. Martin, Stacia, Saba, Aruba, Netherlands and the USA:

You have the tools you need to succeed and you know where to find us when you need a reminder. Keep up the good work! 

[Link to Interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-G0lFYEwJc&pp=ygU_QW5kcmV3IERpY2sgaW50ZXJ2aWV3IG9uIFR1cm5pbmcgUG9pbnQgLSA4OC4zIFJhZGlvIHN0YXRpb24gU1hN]


Turning Point Drum Corp XTREME Prevention Team in Anguilla (2015)


New Year, New Workouts!